Sister Fran Gorsuch, CBS

Member, Board of Directors


Sr. Fran Gorsuch, CBS has served as a member of the Bon Secours Mercy Health (“BSMH”) board of directors since its formation in September 2018. In 2019, Sr. Fran was named Vocation Director for the Sisters in the United States. In addition, she served on the Board of Trustees for the Catholic Community Services of Rockland (“CCSR”). Earlier in her career, Sr. Fran served as Mission Vice President, and Director, Community Initiatives for Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, NY (2000 – 2015) and ministered in the behavioral health department at Bon Secours Hospital Baltimore, MD (2015-2019). Since 2001 she has served as a Region Chair of the Leadership Conference of Women  

Sr. Fran graduated cum laude with a bachelor of arts in philosophy from Loyola University.  She then completed her masters of divinity focused on theology, scripture, homiletics, pastoral ministry and ethics from Duke University.